There are obviously more book, blogs, journals, podcasts than we can possibly get through! Here is our starting point...some we've read, some we've heard of, some we are getting to. These are not recommendations or agreement with the ideas contained within, but people and stuff we have come across that we found interesting, inspiring or eye opening. This list needs building and diversifying so please recommend anything we should be reading, listening to, watching, in the comments below. BooksMake it Stick - The Science of Successful Learning by Peter C. Brown, Henry L. Roedinger III and Mark A. McDaniel What's the point of school? by Guy Claxton Out of Our Minds by Ken Robinson Sway - Unravelling Unconscious Bias by Pragya Agarwal How we learn by Benedict Carey How Children Learn by John Holt Rebel Ideas by Matthew Syed Nudge by Richard H. Thaler and Cass R. Sunstein Indistractable by Julie Li and Nir Eyal The Thriving Child by Dr William Stixrud Mindset by Dr Carol Dweck Grit by Angela Duckworth How to be an Antiracist by Ibram X. Kendi Why I'm no longer talking to white people about race by Reni Edd-Lodge Natives - Race & Class in the Ruins of Empire by Akala Tiny Habits by BJ Fogg The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck by Mark Manson BlogsDisabled Children's Partnership > Secret Life of Us A campaign developed in close partnership with parents – brings to life the realities of the challenges disabled children, young people and their families face in living a life many of us take for granted. It reveals the parts of their lives that most people simply do not see. The Teacherist > Leadership, Mental Health, Wellbeing and Decolonisation of the Curriculum Teacher Toolkit > Making complex, classroom theory as practical and as accessible as possible for time-poor teachers. The National Elf Service > The Mental Elf. Reliable, up-to-date mental health research and guidance. Daily blog posts with short and snappy summaries that highlight evidence-based publications relevant to mental health practice in the UK and further afield. NeuroDiversity 2.0 > Judy Springer builds on her original concept of NeuroDiveristy YouTubeMental Elf - see The National Elf Service above. The Centre for Mental Health - Videos about their work on mental health policy and practice in the UK. Covering criminal justice, employment, recovery and early years. Cochrane Common Mental Disorders - Cochrane Common Mental Disorders is part of Cochrane, an international not-for-profit organisation dedicated to making up-to-date, accurate information about the effects of healthcare readily available worldwide. Anna Freud NCCF - The Anna Freud National Centre for Children and Families has developed and delivered pioneering mental health care for over 60 years. Our aim is to transform current mental health provision in the UK by improving the quality, accessibility and effectiveness of treatment. Pooky Knightsmith Mental Health - videos sharing information, ideas and inspiration about all things mental health and wellbeing every Tuesday and Friday. Sprouts - Animated videos on education, learning, science, and creative and critical thinking. PodcastsStress Bucket Solutions - In this weekly podcast, Gin shares with you my top tips (brain bites!) to help 'homeschool your brain' so that you can feel calm, relaxed, motivated and in control of your thoughts and feelings (available on a range of platforms). ADDitude - all things ADHD — recognising symptoms, researching treatment, raising children, living better with attention deficit, and much more. Tell us what we should be reading, watching, listening to in the comments. Thank you!